Welcome to the TutAssistor User Guide! Simply choose a topic below to find answers, learn about the features, and manage tutoring better.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

    1.1 What is TutAssistor?

    1.2 What can TutAssistor do for you?

    1.3 How to use this guide?

  2. Get started

    2.1 Installation guide

    2.2 Try it yourself!

  3. Features
    3.1 Add student/class

    3.2 View student/class

    3.3 Edit student/class

    3.4 Delete student/class

    3.5 Add/Remove student from class

    3.6 Add remark

    3.7 Find students/classes

    3.8 List students/classes

    3.9 Sort classes

    3.10 View timetable

    3.11 View today's classes

    3.12 View help

    3.13 Navigate Input History

    3.14 Clear data

    3.15 Exit the program

    3.16 Track payment coming in v2.0

  4. Additional Command Format Information
    4.1 Name

    4.2 Phone Number

    4.3 Email

    4.4 Timeslot

    4.5 Index

  5. FAQ

  6. Command Summary

1 Introduction

1.1 What is TutAssistor?

Welcome to the user guide of TutAssistor!

Are you a private tutor struggling to keep track of all your classes and students? Do you spend countless hours on administrative duties such as scheduling classes and updating numerous students’ records?

If the above situation sounds familiar to you, fret not, TutAssistor is here to save the day!

TutAssistor is a desktop app intended for private tutors like yourself to manage their students and classes, and it is optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI).

TutAssistor uses Command Line Interface (CLI); this means that you operate the application by typing commands into a Command Box. If you are a fast typer, you can operate the application more easily and faster than Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications; GUI applications allow users to interact with the application via graphical icons such as buttons.

You do not have to worry at all even if you are new to CLI applications as this user guide will take you through step by step on how various features of the TutAssistor can be utilised, all directed towards providing the best possible experience to the user.

1.2 What can TutAssistor do for you?

TutAssistor provides an all-in-one platform for you to manage information regarding your students and lessons stress-free and efficiently. In the latest version, we offer you the ability to:

  • Track student details
  • Keep student details up-to-date
  • Resolve conflicting tuition timeslots
  • Efficiently create notes for each class/student
  • View scheduled lessons in a timetable

1.3 How to use this guide?

Step-by-step guide for each feature

The features in this guide are formatted with the following conventions:

  • Command Keyword - Each feature is executed by a command keyword. The shortcut for each command is shown together with its full command keyword separated by the | symbol. You can use the command shortcuts to reduce typing.
  • Command Format - Each command is accompanied by a set of information that you provide. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.
  • Examples - Possible usage of each features are provided. You may follow these examples when familiarising with the app.
  • Screenshots - A visualisation of the expected outcome is provided for some features.

General symbols and syntax used in this guide

For additional information accompanying each segment, look for the following symbols:

Syntax What it means
:information_source: Precedes information that are useful to remember.
:bulb: Precedes information that serve as tips for a feature.
:warning: Precedes information as an important warning.

Jump right in to the next section: 2 Get Started to get you started!

2 Get Started

2.1 Installation guide

For Windows

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer. You may install it here.
  2. Download the latest TutAssistor release from our github site.
  3. Double click the downloaded TutAssistor.jar file to launch TutAssistor.

For Mac

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer. You may install it here.
  2. Download the latest TutAssistor release from our github site.
  3. Open Terminal.
  4. Change the active directory to the location of TutAssistor.jar.

    For example,

    cd Downloads
  5. Run the following command.

    java -jar TutAssistor.jar

After launching the app, the GUI similar to the one shown below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data. Ui

Figure 1: GUI of TutAssistor

Component What it does
Menu Bar Exits TutAssistor or views help.
Command Box Key in commands
Result Display Pane Displays feedback of commands.
TuitionList Panel Displays all tuition classes.
StudentList Panel Displays all students.
Main Display Pane Displays today’s lessons, tuition class’s or student’s details, or a timetable.

2.2 Try it yourself!

Once you have installed the latest TutAssistor, why not give it a try?

Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

Some example commands you can try:

  • student 1: Views the first student shown in the student list.
  • add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01: Adds a student named John Doe to the TutAssistor.
  • addtoclass si/3 tc/1: Adds the 3rd student in the student list to the 1st class in the tuition class list.
  • deleteclass 2: Deletes the 2nd class shown in the tuition class list.
  • clear: Deletes all students and classes. Note that this action is irreversible.
  • exit: Exits the app.

Now that you are more familiar with our app, make it yours! Head over to section 3 Features to learn more about the features TutAssistor can offer you!

3 Features

:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g n/NAME [r/REMARK] can be used as n/John Doe r/student or as n/John Doe.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used zero or more times.
    e.g. si/STUDENT_INDEX [STUDENT_INDEX]…​ can be used as   (i.e. 0 times), si/1, si/1 2 3 etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • If a parameter is expected only once in the command but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
    e.g. if you specify p/12341234 p/56785678, only p/56785678 will be taken.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list, exit and clear) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

Refer to the Additional Command Format Information under section 4 to learn the requirements of the various parameters used.

3.1 Add student/tuition class

Adding a student: add | a

Adds a student with the specified information such as name, phone number, etc.

Read more on the requirements of the various parameters used.



add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01
a n/Tom Ng p/97865342 e/tomng@eg.com a/221B Baker St r/Can only attend on even weeks
:information_source: Note: James Yeoh and james   yeoh are considered the same person, namely Name is case-insensitive and the differences in whitespaces would not be considered.

Adding a tuition class: addclass | ac

Adds a tuition class with a set limit of students at a specified timeslot. TutAssistor will notify you if there are any conflicting timeslots.

Format: addclass n/NAME l/LIMIT ts/TIMESLOT [s/NAME,NAME,NAME...] [r/REMARK]

  • It is optional to add students into the class when creating a tuition class.
  • The timeslot should follow the format “Ddd HH:mm-HH:mm”.
  • The limit of a class should not exceed 1000.
:bulb: Tip: There should not be a space after each comma when listing multiple students.


addclass n/Chemistry l/16 ts/Thu 15:00-17:00 s/Bernice Yu,Richard Ng
ac n/Math l/8 ts/Mon 11:00-14:00 r/Quiz on final lesson

3.2 View student/tuition class

Displays the details the specified student or class in the information page.

3.2.1 Viewing a student: student | vs

Format: student INDEX


student 2


vs 2

view student
Figure 2: Displaying a student's details in the information page

3.2.2 Viewing a tuition class: class | vc

Format: class INDEX


class 3


vc 3

view class
Figure 3: Displaying details of a class in the information page

3.3 Edit student/tuition class

Edits an existing student or tuition class.

:information_source: Note: At least one parameter must be provided.

Editing a student: edit | e

Format: edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS]


edit 1 n/Jason Tan a/221b Baker Street


e 1 n/Jason Tan a/221b Baker Street
:information_source: Note: The edited name must be unique and should not be the same name of another existing student.

Editing a class: editclass | ec

Format: editclass INDEX [n/NAME] [l/LIMIT] [ts/TIMESLOT]


editclass 1 n/Math ts/Wed 10:00-12:00


ec 1 n/Math ts/Wed 10:00-12:00

:information_source: Note: The edited timeslot cannot conflict with an en existing timeslot of another class.

An example output of using the editclass command is shown below:

Edit class
Figure 4: Example of executing `editclass 1 n/Math ts/Wed 10:00-12:00` command

3.4 Delete student/tuition class

Deletes a student or a tuition class from TutAssistor.

  • At least one student or class index must be provided.

  • Provide multiple indices to delete multiple students or classes at once.


Deleting students: delete | del



delete 1 2


del 1 2

An example output of using the delete command is shown below:

Delete student
Figure 5: Example of executing `delete 1 2` command

Deleting tuition classes: deleteclass | delc

Format: deleteclass CLASS_INDEX [CLASS_INDEX]...


deleteclass 1 2


delc 1 2

3.5 Add/Remove student from class

Moves a student to/from a class.

Adding existing students to a class: addtoclass | atc

Adds one or more existing students to an existing class.

:information_source: Note: When adding multiple students at once:

  • use commas(,) to separate names, with no spaces after each comma.

  • use spaces to separate indices.




addtoclass s/NAME[,NAME,NAME...] tc/CLASS_INDEX


addtoclass si/1 tc/1
atc si/1 2 3 4 tc/1
addtoclass s/James,Felicia tc/2
atc s/James tc/3

Removing existing students from a class: remove | rm

Removes an existing student from a tuition class.



remove si/1 tc/1
rm si/1 2 3 4 tc/2

3.6 Add remark to student/tuition class

Upon entering the command, a pop-up window with a text box is displayed for you to edit remarks.

:bulb: Tip: Users can add, remove, or edit remarks through the editor window.

Remark editor
Figure 6: Editing remarks with editor window

:warning: For MacOS users, the remarks editor may open as a new tab instead of a window, which can cause a UI bug where the buttons are not displayed correctly. To open as a new window instead, go to System preferences > General > Prefer tabs and choose never.

Adding remark to a student: remark | re

Adds a remark for a student.

Format: remark STUDENT_INDEX


remark 2


re 2

Adding remark to a tuition class: remarkclass | rec

Adds a remark for a tuition class.

Format: remarkclass CLASS_INDEX


remarkclass 2


rec 1
:information_source: Note: When creating a new student or tuition class with the add command, you can use the optional r/REMARK parameter to add remarks directly.

3.7 Find student/tuition class

Filters the list based on the given keywords. The keywords are case-insensitive.

:information_source: Note: Keywords will be matched entirely. Example: A command findclass phys will not filter physics classes.

Finding students by name: find | f

Displays a list of students whose name matches the given keywords.

Format: find KEYWORD [KEYWORD]...


find alice tan


f alice tan

TutAssistor will display a list of all students with alice or tan in their name.

Finding classes by name: findclass | fc

Displays a list of classes whose name matches the given keywords.

Format: findclass KEYWORD [KEYWORD]...


findclass physics chemistry


fc physics chemistry

TutAssistor will display a list of all classes with physics or chemistry in their name.

The filtered list should look similar to the example shown below:

Find student
Figure 7: Example of executing `find alice tan` command

3.8 List all students/tuition classes

Shows the full list of students or classes.

Listing all students: list | l

Displays a list of all students.

Format: list

Listing all classes: listclass | lc

Displays list of all classes.

Format: listclass

3.9 Sort tuition classes: sort | s

Sorts tuition class list according to time or alphabetical order.

  • After the user executes the sort command, the list will continue to remain sorted even after adding or editing classes.
  • The list will not be automatically sorted upon restarting TutAssistor, i.e., the user will have to execute the sort command again.

The possible usages of sort are given below:

  • sort sorts by time
  • sort o/asc sorts by ascending alphabetical order
  • sort o/desc sorts by descending alphabetical order
  • sort o/time sorts by time

:information_source: Note:

  • For alphabetical order, the sorting is case-insensitive. For example, chem is considered the same as Chem.

  • For time order, the sorting assumes Gregorian calendar format. i.e. Sunday is considered the start of a week and Saturday is considered the end of a week.

An example output is shown below:

Sort by ascending order
Figure 7: Example of executing `sort o/asc` command

3.10 View timetable: timetable | tt

Shows classes scheduled in this week in a timetable.



:information_source: Note:

If a lesson is shorter than one hour, the timetable may not display its details properly, such as using smaller font size or omitting the details completely due to limited space in the time block.

For example, in Figure 8 below, the class on Monday, 15:00-15:15 is only 15 minutes and thus not displayed with details.

Figure 8: A timetable view of all tuition classes in a week

3.11 View today’s classes: today | td

Displays an overview of all classes happening today.
Also, a reminder of classes happening today will be displayed when the TutAssistor is reopened.

Today view
Figure 9: The view of all classes scheduled today in the Main Display Pane

3.12 View help: help | h

Shows a command summary, as well as a link to the user guide.

Format: help

Help window
Figure 10: The help window

3.13 Navigate input history

When typing in the command box, use the up and down arrow keys to access and navigate through previously entered inputs.

3.14 Clear data: clear

Clears all current student and tuition class data.

Format: clear


3.15 Exit the app: exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

3.16 Track payment coming in v2.0

Details coming soon…

4 Additional Command Format Information

The requirements of the various parameters used are explained below. Head back to Features to refer to general notes on the command format.

4.1 Name

Student name is unique, i.e., there cannot be 2 or more students registered with the same name. TutAssistor ignores letter case and trivial whitespaces when it checks for duplicate names.

Note that if you successfully add a student, the name will appear exactly as what you typed, including trivial whitespaces.

For example, when adding a new student, given an existing student named John Doe,

  • Valid: John Doe the Great
  • Invalid: john doe, John   Doe

Names for tuition classes may be reused.

For example, given an existing class named Biology, you may add a new class also named Biology.

4.2 Phone Number

Phone number should only contain digits, and should be at least 3 digits long.

4.3 Email

Email should be of the format local-part@domain and adhere to the following constraints:

  1. The local-part should only contain alphanumeric characters and these special characters, + _ . -. The local-part may not start or end with any special characters.
  2. This is followed by a @ and then a domain name. The domain name is made up of domain labels separated by periods. The domain name must:
    • end with a domain label at least 2 characters long
    • have each domain label start and end with alphanumeric characters
    • have each domain label consist of alphanumeric characters, separated only by hyphens, if any

4.4 Timeslot

Timeslot for classes follows the format:

Ddd HH:mm-HH:mm


  • Ddd is the day of the week, abbreviated to the first three letters, with only the first letter capitalised.


    • Correct: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
    • Incorrect: mon, tuesday, WED, Thurs, Friday, etc
  • HH:mm is the time with 2 digits for the hour and 2 digits for the minute. The first time must be earlier in the day than the second time.


    • Correct: 09:00-14:30
    • Incorrect: 9:00-14:00, 9am-2pm, 9-2, 09:00-08:00

4.5 Index

Index for a student or tuition class must be a positive integer, starting from 1. It must not exceed the size of the list.

For example, if the list consists of 5 students/tuition classes:

  • Correct: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Incorrect: 0, 1.5, a, 6, etc.


Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous TutAssistor home folder.

Q: Do I lose all the details of classes and students when I close the application?
A: All of your data is stored locally in a file under the data folder and will be loaded upon the next entry, hence you do not lose any data.

Q: What should I do if I am unsure of the command formats?
A: Please type help to learn the command formats.

6 Command Summary

Head back up to section 3 Features to refer to notes about the command format.

Action Format Shortcut
Add Class addclass n/NAME l/LIMIT ts/TIMESLOT [s/NAME,...] [r/REMARK] ac
View Student student INDEX vs
View Class class INDEX vc
Edit Student edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] e
Edit Class editclass INDEX [n/NAME] [l/LIMIT] [ts/TIMESLOT] ec
Delete Student delete STUDENT_INDEX [STUDENT_INDEX]... del
Delete Class deleteclass CLASS_INDEX [CLASS_INDEX]... delc
Add Student to Class addtoclass si/STUDENT_INDEX [STUDENT_INDEX]... tc/CLASS_INDEX
addtoclass s/NAME[,NAME...] tc/CLASS_INDEX
Remove Students from Class remove si/STUDENT_INDEX [STUDENT_INDEX]... tc/CLASS_INDEX rm
Add Remarks to Student remark STUDENT_INDEX re
Add Remarks to Class remarkclass CLASS_INDEX rec
Find Student by Name find KEYWORD [KEYWORD]... f
Find Class by Name findclass KEYWORD [KEYWORD]... fc
List all Students list l
List all Classes listclass lc
Sort Tuition Class sort [o/ORDER] s
View Timetable timetable tt
View Today’s Classes today td
Help help h
Clear all data clear -
Exit exit -